It's not always obvious that you have a problem with grinding your teeth; a condition also referred to as bruxism. However, not having this condition treated quickly can lead to dental problems, such as the thinning of enamel, and medical problems like frequent headaches. Therefore, you want to watch for the signs of bruxism so you can get in to your dentist quickly and receive treatment. This article will educate you on some of the signs of bruxism so you can catch it early on.

Your partner complains about the noise

If your partner starts telling you that you are making a grinding noise with your teeth at night, you don't want to take this lightly. Being told about teeth grinding by a partner is one of the more common ways many people learn they have a problem.

You are suddenly experiencing pain in your jaws, face and gums

If you start to get a reoccurring pain in your jaws, then it can be a good indication that you may be grinding your teeth. The pain can also radiate to other areas in the lower part of your face and to your gums.  

Your teeth become sensitive to hot and cold drinks and foods

If one of your teeth suddenly become sensitive to hot and cold things then it is likely that you may be getting a cavity or you have another dental issue going on. However, when many, if not all, of your teeth become sensitive then it can be an indication that you have been grinding them while you sleep.

You notice wearing on your teeth

If you start to notice chipped areas on your teeth or they look more worn than usual, you may be grinding them at night and wearing the enamel down on them. The grinding can also cause the pointed parts of your teeth to become flat.

Your teeth feel loose

When you grind your teeth, you can be doing it so hard and so frequently that it can cause your teeth to become loose.

Your jaw gets tired faster when you eat

If you find that your jaw gets tired when you are eating, then it may be due to you using it so much during the night when you are grinding your teeth.

You wake up with sores on the insides of your cheeks

If you grind your teeth, you may also gnaw at the inside of your cheeks and this will leave sores or welts on the inside of them that will be most noticeable when you wake up.

If there is a chance that you may be grinding your teeth then it's best to get in to the dentist right away so they can help treat the condition immediately and prevent further damage. For professional medical advice, contact Denise McGrade DDS or another certified dentist.
