Despite their name, wisdom teeth do not make people wiser. They can be problematic, which is why many individuals opt for wisdom teeth removal. One issue for many is pain from their wisdom teeth growing in. These teeth typically erupt during the teenage years, but some individuals' wisdom teeth start to grow in adulthood. Perhaps you are wondering why you should be concerned about teeth that have not started to grow or are not causing you any pain. The following points identify things that could happen to individuals who do not get wisdom teeth removals. 

Sinus Complications

Wisdom teeth grow near where the sinuses are located. They grow at an angle that can put pressure on the sinuses. Some individuals who have frequent complications with their sinuses and congestion may not realize that their wisdom teeth are linked to their sinus problems. Sinus headaches can sometimes be linked to wisdom teeth issues.

Teeth Alignment Issues

Sometimes individuals with small mouths do not have enough space in their mouths to accommodate erupting wisdom teeth. This can lead to overcrowding and can result in other teeth shifting into a different position. Misalignment can negatively impact an individual's ability to properly chew their food. It can also make daily hygiene more difficult. When teeth are pushed out of their natural position, orthodontics and wisdom teeth extractions may be required to straighten the other molars back into position. 


Wisdom teeth are located at the back of the mouth, which makes it difficult for many individuals to clean them correctly. If teeth are not properly brushed and flossed, gingivitis, which is gum inflammation, can occur. Inflamed gums may bleed and appear swollen. Some individuals may experience pain from gum inflammation.

Toothaches and Sensitivity

If you experience toothaches and sensitivity and do not notice any cavities, take a moment to consider when these events occur. Also, pay attention to the location of the pain or sensitivity. If it occurs toward the rear of your mouth, it might be wisdom tooth-related. A dentist can confirm or rule out whether wisdom teeth are causing the issue by performing a simple oral exam. 

A dentist is a good resource to use to learn more benefits of wisdom teeth removal. If your wisdom teeth have not started causing you any pain, hidden problems might be underway that you cannot see or feel. This is why it is a good idea to get routine dental exams. A dentist can help you understand why it is not a good idea to wait until your wisdom teeth start causing you pain. For more information, contact a local dentist, such as Dr. Robert M. Lasell, DDS, to learn more.
