Before you make the commitment of paying for braces, you might want to make sure that your child is ready for them. This goes beyond whether they are technically old enough for braces or whether the orthodontist says they need braces to correct the alignment of their teeth. Here are a few things you will want to consider in order to determine if your child is truly ready for braces.
Have Them Brush After Every Meal
Brushing their teeth after every single meal is important in order to ensure that they are not going to walk around with food stuck in their braces and so they can reduce the chances of staining on their teeth. Even if your tween or teen promises that they will do it once they have braces, you might want to have them prove it to you. This will make good practice so they will be ready to continue on with this habit once the braces are in place.
They Understand The Need For Painful Adjustments
Your child might already know that getting braces can be painful, but they might not have a full understanding of how often they will be in pain. Make sure that you explain that they will be very sore right after having the braces put on, but that the pain and soreness will fade away. After a little bit of time, they will have to go back so that the orthodontist can tighten the braces. Again, they will be in pain, but the pain will fade. And then after a little while, they will have to go back to the orthodontist and go through the painful tightening process all over again. Explain that this will continue to be the pattern until their teeth are properly aligned and the braces can come off.
Talk About Retainers
It is important for your child to understand that the work is not always done once the braces are removed. Many people find that they have to continue to wear retainers for the majority of their day, or at least at night while they sleep, in order to prevent their teeth from moving back into their original position. Some people have to wear a retainer for years after the removal of their braces, while others might only have to wear them for a few months.
For more information, schedule an appointment with an orthodontist so you and your child can learn more.